Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Angels

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I was working on the tree lot.  My beautiful wife and dog Harper stayed with me the night before and left around 11:00.  We displayed 76 Christmas trees on the lot in the morning and then waited for customers.  We ended up having about twelve trees leave the lot so not the most impressive opening day. 

We sold a 9' tree to a couple mid morning, and they asked if we were going to get to eat a thanksgiving meal anywhere.  We explained that we would try to find a restaurant open when we closed the lot.  Later in the afternoon they zoomed back into the parking lot with four full plates of food and a plate of desserts.  We had turkey, ham, green beans, macaroni & cheese, corn pudding, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and pound cake.  It was a give of selflessness on a day where I had started to lose hope in society.  Through all the commercials and commotion about Black Friday shopping I was thankful for a couple in Lexington, VA, whom I don't even know their names.  A couple who provided four roughneck country men a warm meal, prepared with love, that raised our spirits and warmed our hearts. 

1 comment:

  1. That’s the true meaning of the season, glad to hear there are people out there like that in all this commercial hustle and bustle.
