Sunday, March 25, 2012

Signs of Spring

Even though it's a rainy day right now, everywhere you look there are signs of spring.  We are about a month ahead of our usual spring blooming schedule for Western North Carolina due to our extremely mild winter.  Of course, most of our daffodils have come and gone, but there are a few left that are just starting to bloom.  These daffodils are ones that Travis and I planted last fall. 

For my birthday last year Travis gave me bulbs, (no not light bulbs) bulbs to plant.  Daffodils, tulips, grape hyacinths and spanish blue bells; about 400 in total.  We planted them all around the house and in beds of the yard.  I have always liked tulips, but when I was in England with my mom and dad visiting molly, I fell in love with tulips.  In London tulips are the flower of choice in the spring, they are everywhere!

There is nothing that will bring a smile to my face faster than to see tulips in full bloom.  I just hope our tulips are healthy enough to come back next year!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Spring has sprung, except for the 33 degrees temp. this morning.
